Monday, February 2, 2009

Bowl of Rage.

So, when was the last time you listened to some Rage Against the Machine??? I honestly couldn't tell you myself, but something came over me yesterday and I busted it out. These instantly make me remember the cool things about being a young teenager. Granted, I am certainly glad that I'm not a teenager anymore for a myriad of reasons, but the good times can be remembered through a little Rage.

Beyond that, the Super bowl was awesome again...Does anyone remember how one sided the games always were when we were kids? Every year the Super Bowl was a blowout which made the games not all that "super" unless you were a fan of the team doing the blowing out (which, as a Jets fan, I never was). But, with that the commercials were always worth it.

The trend now seems to be that the games are fantastic, but the commercials seem to lack a little. While the advertising certainly didn't match up to last nights game, there were a few bright spots. I will present my two favorites:

Pepsi Max: "I'm Good"
Doritos: "Crystal Ball"

Again, it was a good game. The 4th quarter was especially good. And while I have no problem with the Steelers winning, I was most definitely pulling for the Cards, because as a Jets fan I can sympathize with them. Being a fan of a perennial loser in sports is a hard thing to deal with. I was hoping they might get a little pick me up. A little break from the constant losing...Now they just have to go on like I do, "There is always next year".


Joshua Cross said...

Last time I listened to Rage: February 17, 2002. I'm coming up on my seven-year anniversary.

That's a lie. I have no idea.

'Twas a super Super Bowl, 'twasn't it?

ps: the "word verification" it's making me type in to post this is "glayferi." Max, you're such a glayferi.

Unknown said...

What's a "glay" horse eat?