Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alex Rodbeefcakeiguez.

So, you probably heard (because I don't actually know anyone who lives under a rock) that Alex Rodriguez participated in the Cartman diet a few years back. I like to think that it shocked me somehow, but I am kinda numb to it any more. The bit of solace that I can find in being a baseball fan in the steroid area is that at least it's not the 70's or 80's. I mean, in the 70's everyone was on amphetamines and in the 80's they were all doing cocaine. Maybe MLB's new slogan should be, "Hey, at least our players aren't doing crack!" That should sell more tickets and make parents feel better.

Wow, if you really think about it baseball should never have any problems like this. I know you hear a lot of players say as they admit their wrong doings that they were trying to get back from injury or that they were tired; and I will admit that baseball has a REALLY long season. Teams get what, like 15 days off a season with over 150 on? So, I guess I can see why they say it. But, what's wrong with taking a day off? Or for that matter, how tired can you REALLY get? It's a pretty sedentary sport. I mean I played it for 15 or so years and most days the only way I even broke a sweat was if I was catching or there was a lot of sun, very little wind and it was over 85 degrees. Screw 'em. Well, kinda...I'll still watch all season...I love baseball.


Joshua Cross said...

Maybe they could start some of those inspirational "don't do drugs, kids" commercials. "Crack kills. 'Roids only make you kill other people."

Unknown said...

"...and hit a baseball really far."