Monday, February 16, 2009

Don't call it a comeback...

I'd like to start by saying that I don't have the time to really give this post the "love" it deserves, but it's just so damn funny that I had to post something.

The one band that really never needed to make a come back (ever) has announced that will indeed be the case...I case you didn't already guess...
Oh, yeah. I'm not lying. Limp Bizkit is really making a comeback. WOW!
Here is the proof
WOW! I really don't think I am ready for this again:or this:
and I know I can't handle any more of this:

G-d, be with us.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alex Rodbeefcakeiguez.

So, you probably heard (because I don't actually know anyone who lives under a rock) that Alex Rodriguez participated in the Cartman diet a few years back. I like to think that it shocked me somehow, but I am kinda numb to it any more. The bit of solace that I can find in being a baseball fan in the steroid area is that at least it's not the 70's or 80's. I mean, in the 70's everyone was on amphetamines and in the 80's they were all doing cocaine. Maybe MLB's new slogan should be, "Hey, at least our players aren't doing crack!" That should sell more tickets and make parents feel better.

Wow, if you really think about it baseball should never have any problems like this. I know you hear a lot of players say as they admit their wrong doings that they were trying to get back from injury or that they were tired; and I will admit that baseball has a REALLY long season. Teams get what, like 15 days off a season with over 150 on? So, I guess I can see why they say it. But, what's wrong with taking a day off? Or for that matter, how tired can you REALLY get? It's a pretty sedentary sport. I mean I played it for 15 or so years and most days the only way I even broke a sweat was if I was catching or there was a lot of sun, very little wind and it was over 85 degrees. Screw 'em. Well, kinda...I'll still watch all season...I love baseball.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cold Satriani.

So, Coldplay won some Grammy's the other night. That's all well and good, they are the kind of band that would win some Grammy's. I am a little disappointed in the "association" though. One of the awards was for Best Album. The track that won was "Viva la Vida". You know that song that they ripped off Joe Satriani? Have a look/listen:

Interesting, huh. Satriani and his layers were going to serve the final papers at the Grammy's, but decided to wait 'till after...I would have gone for it right then and there. Giving a Grammy for plagerism sets a pretty bad president...

Something fun though was this little blurb about the Coldplay performance at the Grammy's written in The Edmonton Journal from this morning: "Coldplay's Chris Martin sits behind a piano and sings Lost. There's no sign of Joe Satriani, but here comes rapper Jay-Z.Martin seems to be flubbing quite a few of his notes. His voice also sounds a little shaky as he launches into Viva La Vida with the rest of his bandmates. Could he be nervous? After all, this is the song which allegedly lifts a riff from Satriani's If I Could Fly."

There's nothing groundbreaking there, but it made me giggle.

Monday, February 9, 2009


So, while I probably won't go see the new movie the day that it comes out (a "blockbuster" horror flick on V-Day is sure to be full of loud, horny teenagers) I am still extremely excited for a nice, mindless slasher film. You know, like they used to make in the 80's where the story never changed, the virgins never died (neither did the killer for that matter) and the words "I'll be right back" should never be uttered or the character faced certain death.

I am however hearkening for those simpler times and, in turn satisfying that, by reliving all of the Friday movies again...all week. I watched four today and will probably keep the pace up all week. I brought in my little portable DVD player and everything so that it didn't "interrupt" my actual work. Crafty.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

OG Premium.

Nabisco's Original Premium Saltine Crackers just might be the most awesome cracker product ever. They are definitely at the top of the saltine world. In saying that I would advise anyone who buys any other type of saltine wonder, such as the also popular selection:

There is no need to skimp when it comes to saltine crackers!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Bowl of Rage.

So, when was the last time you listened to some Rage Against the Machine??? I honestly couldn't tell you myself, but something came over me yesterday and I busted it out. These instantly make me remember the cool things about being a young teenager. Granted, I am certainly glad that I'm not a teenager anymore for a myriad of reasons, but the good times can be remembered through a little Rage.

Beyond that, the Super bowl was awesome again...Does anyone remember how one sided the games always were when we were kids? Every year the Super Bowl was a blowout which made the games not all that "super" unless you were a fan of the team doing the blowing out (which, as a Jets fan, I never was). But, with that the commercials were always worth it.

The trend now seems to be that the games are fantastic, but the commercials seem to lack a little. While the advertising certainly didn't match up to last nights game, there were a few bright spots. I will present my two favorites:

Pepsi Max: "I'm Good"
Doritos: "Crystal Ball"

Again, it was a good game. The 4th quarter was especially good. And while I have no problem with the Steelers winning, I was most definitely pulling for the Cards, because as a Jets fan I can sympathize with them. Being a fan of a perennial loser in sports is a hard thing to deal with. I was hoping they might get a little pick me up. A little break from the constant losing...Now they just have to go on like I do, "There is always next year".