Friday, August 22, 2008

The Man Club (Warning...this may be a little graphic)

So, apparently there is a little secret out there for the mens and their nether regions that I just learned of...GOLD BOND BODY POWDER IS THE BEST THING EVER! I'm so sad that I never knew of the wonder powder before, but am so thankful to have recently learned of its comforting powers. What makes it even better is that the company is now letting everyone in on the secret that apparently gets passed down through the ages and missed me somehow.

Here is an excerpt from an article about said campaign that was aptly titled "Gold Bond Aims for the Nuts". I think you will agree that it kinda says it all:
"It’s an open secret: a quick dusting of Gold Bond Medicated Powder can keep a fellow’s junk feeling fresh as a tingly daisy.
Now, Gold Bond ad execs are explicitly targeting the man’s-junk market, via the sassy, double entendre-laden website/ad campaign"

Make sure you go to the website...The ads are a hoot.


Joshua Cross said...

Dude ... thanks for sharing. And wtf is up with those sedans? Did you ever find out?

Unknown said...
