Friday, March 27, 2009

Yeah I know...

I know it's been a while, but to be fair it has been a really shitty month. The last thing on my mind was extracurricular time on a computer to type...extracurricularly. I really don't even have a whole lot to say, but I can't let Limp Bizkit be the last post any longer...I need to class it up with bald Britt. No, really I'm just doing the morning show and I'm super sick so this helps keep me from "falling asleep at the wheel", so to speak. Something fun though is this little tidbit of fun that I found; "Saved by the Bell: The Grad School Years". It made me giggle, but then again, it was 5am, so that might not even really be that funny. You be the judge.


Wendi said...

I know that this month has been crappy. I love you! Hope you feel better!

Nick (SBJ) said...

Good to see something to replace the Bizkit news. Sorry to hear things have been down, bro. Bald Brit is top shelf, for sure. The SBTB stuff was funny too. Stay strong, man.