Thursday, September 4, 2008

Death Magnetic.

Ok, I realize that no one who reads this will care (because those who would care don't know that it exists), but I just "acquired" the new Metallica album, and I have to say it is pretty damn fantastic. To be honest I thought it would suck even worse than St. Anger, which, given that disgustingly horrible album name should tell you how bad that one was; even if you never heard it. I would suggest giving "Invisable Kid" a listen for a good laugh...g-dspeed.

See...that was, REAL bad. The new album, however...not so much. It's WAY awesome.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sally and my feet.

I have very soft feet and hate to wear shoes. I'm not entirely sure why I started this that way, but it's too late now...I don't want to start over.

Anyway, they are fabulously soft...except for my heels, which are worse than sandpaper and occasionally become cavernous and painful. In an attempt to cure this foot ailment I counseled my wonderful wife on what I should do. I had already tried using a foot shaving thing-a-ma-bobber, but that just made me have to vacuum the floor. Wendi then informed me that I should try a cream..."sounds good to me, let's go get one".

So, I got one and it seems to help. Along with that, I am very secure in my manhood, but I never thought I would be pimpin' some Sally Hansen. I feel so pretty now.